Yoda: Israel Fears Exponential Growth of Boycott, Disvetment and Sanctions (BDS) — Good, This Is…

Fear, evil should… Why Israel Fears the Boycott By OMAR BARGHOUTIJAN. 31, 2014 JERUSALEM — IF Secretary of State John Kerry’s attempts to revive talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority fail because of Israel’s continuing construction of illegal settlements, the Israeli government is likely to face an international boycott “on steroids,” as Mr. Kerry …

TIkkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Shulamit Aloni, z’l, Israel’s most principled elected official

Editor’s Note: Shula Aloni was the most principled Israeli elected official I ever met, a champion of the downtrodden and a fearless crusader for the rights of Palestinians. So i was very delighted when she agreed to speak at Tikkun’s “Strengthening the Peace Forces” conference that we convened in Jerusalem in 1991 and a subsequent …

Chuck Spinney: Cracks in the Alliance – Is There Finally Daylight Between Israel and the US?

The author is one of the sharpest observers of developments in the Middle East. CS WEEKEND EDITION JANUARY 24-26, 2014 Is There Finally Daylight Between Israel and the US? Cracks in the Alliance? by JONATHAN COOK, Counterpunch Things have come to a strange state of affairs when Washington regards Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s far-right foreign minister, …

Beatrice Giblin: The Conflicts in the World – A Geopolitical Approach

Béatrice Giblin is a geographer and Professor of Geopolitics. She is teaching at Paris 8 University (former experimental center of Vincennes). Professor Giblin is the founder of the French Institute of Geopolitics (2002) that she headed for ten years. Moreover, she is Head of the geographical and geopolitical magazine Hérodote, founded by Yves Lacoste whom …

4th Media: Wayne Madsen – US Counterintelligence Locked Down to Protect Zionist Penetrations?

Wayne Madsen via 4th Media In an interview with the reactionary right-wing Fox News network, former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey said U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden «should be prosecuted for treason. If convicted by a jury of his peers, he should be hanged by his neck until he is dead». Woolsey, …

Veterans Today: Suppressed 2002 German Report on 9/11 — Probable Fabrication But Pulls a Lot Together

Suppressed 2002 German Report on 9/11 (Translated from German.  The original document, after careful forensic examination is considered “inconclusive.”  It has not been proven fake in any way. Ed.) On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally  notified the President of the United States that information developed by the  Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Conflict of Two Judaisms — Judaism of Love and Judaism of Conquest

A Jewish State Would Not Be Oppressive or Racist Toward the Powerless, the Immigrants, the Homeless, The Other–an essay by Uri Avnery Editor’s Note: Uri Avnery, a committed atheist, and chair of Israel’s peace movement Gush Shalom,  recognizes that the real problem in Israel today is not that it is a Jewish state, but that it …