David Isenberg: The True Cost (Locally) of Military Strikes Against Iranian Nuclear Targets + Iran Nuclear Meta-RECAP

The Myth of “Surgical Strikes” on Iran By David Isenberg TIME Battleland | October 18, 2012 For all the years that the world has focused on the confrontation between Western nations and Iran, oceans of ink have been spilled over many aspects of its nuclear program — the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium, …

Yoda: Big Data Hype Small Data Hype Visualization Hype – “Technology is not a substitute for thinking”

With them, force is. “Technology is not a substitute for thinking.” Robert Steele “Bandwidth is more expensive than pilots.” Professor Robert Owen Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University The future is now: 10 startups leading the way in ‘big data’ Christina Farr VentureBeat, October 16, 2012 Police are mixing crime data and sociological information to anticipate incidences of crime. A …

David Isenberg: Secret Contracting – Totally Beyond the Reach of Inspectors-General

The use of private contractors is not just for the Pentagon or the State Department. It is also for that frequently crashing collection of agencies euphemistically known as the intelligence community (IC). I have written previously on this but let’s consider some of the costs of using contractors in the IC. The following is taken …

Review (Guest): State of the World 2012 – Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity

Lester Brown, Erik Assadourian, Michael Renner et al 4.0 out of 5 stars Inspiration for both policy makers, negotiators and me as “normal” civilian  August 3, 2012 By H.J. van der Klis In the 2012 edition of its flagship report, Worldwatch.org celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the Rio de Janeiro 1992 Earth Summit with a …

Berto Jongman: Food Security Index & Map 2013

Food security in 75% of African countries at high or extreme risk – Maplecroft global index ‘Arab Awakening’ countries at increased risk from 2013 food price shocks 10/10/2012 Despite strong economic growth, food security remains an issue of primary importance for Africa, according to a new study by risk analysis company Maplecroft, which classifies 75% …

Richard Wright: Jim Clapper Speaks to Excessive Dependence on Technical Intelligence, and the Evident Non-Existence of Human Intelligence in the Middle East

Escaping Excessive Dependence on Technical Intelligence Speaking at the GEOINT 2012 Symposium (09 October), Director of National Intelligence (DNI) General James Clapper (USAF ret.) argued that the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other U.S. citizens in Benghazi, Libya caught the U.S. by surprise because the attacks did not “emit or discuss …