Worth a Look: OpenBeacon

OpenBeacon Press News Background information on OpenBeacon social networking features as used in our sister project SocioPatterns.org: Dynamics of Person-to-Person Interactions from Distributed RFID Sensor Networks Live Social Semantics Phi Beta Iota: This is the secret sauce for connecting the digital “virtual” revolutionary circles, and the same circles on the street face to face.  It …

Google Moves Voice into Cloud, Offs the Telecomms

Google Voice discovered allowing pure VoIP calls Google Voice users learned late Monday that the service now has a way of making purely Internet-based phone calls. Making a SIP call with a “sip:” prefix, the Google Voice phone number and @sip.voice.google.com skips the conventional phone network entirely, saving users cellphone minutes. Disruptive Telephony tested it …

Reference: Cook Report on Internet Protocol

The COOK Report serves an international community of thought leaders focused on strategy affecting the Internet as a global utility that is critically important to the advancement of education, science, and the economy of every nation that it touches.  The COOK Report sponsors an international community of interest limited to 200 industry visionaries.  Subscribers gain …

Reference: Crisis Mapping

Recommended: see http://p2pfoundation.net/Crisis_Mapping, part of http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Geography and updated via http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Mapping See Also: Autonomous [Free, Distributed] Internet