SchwartzReport: Europe Saving the Bees — Corruption — and Good News

Will Smartglasses Replace Eyeglasses? PAUL MCDOUGALL – Salon This is coming, it reminds me of when mobile phones began. A few early adapters had phones in their cars, and carried around 10 lb over the shoulder cases for walking around. I had one in Miami, where my ship Seaview was homeported when in American waters, …

Review (Guest): The Net Delusion – The Dark Side of Internet Freedom

Evgeny Morozov 5.0 out of 5 stars Intellectual Recycling and Internet-Centrism, a tale of Cyber-Utopia Gone Really Wrong, November 30, 2012 Abhinav Agarwal (Bangalore, India) Dunks a much needed, well-reasoned, and well-researched bucket of cold-water over “Internet-centrists” and “cyber-utopians” (cyber-utopianism is a “naïve belief in the emancipatory nature of online communication”), and assembles together an …

Pierre Cloutier: From Quebec, A View of the Growing Tyranny in the USA

Being read in the north. How The Boston Bombing Is Already Being Exploited To Introduce Tyranny EXTRACT The point of a false flag is to frighten the population of any given nation into relinquishing freedom in the name of safety, which in the process gives the central government even more control. In the wake of …

DIY Wind Turbine Project Goes Open Source

DIY Wind Turbine Project Goes Open Source This DIY, vertical-axis wind turbine uses easily attainable parts, can be built by anyone and yields impressive power output. As a bonus, it’s open source. Applied Sciences, which did the work, notes that the intention of this product was to provide supplemental water heating. The result is this wind turbine made of materials that …

Josh Kilbourn: Citizen Overview of Boston False Flag Anomalies & Many Links

One citizens tears the official narrative apart — completely. Published on Apr 23, 2013 IF it is true that the FBI called the brothers to inform them they were suspects, why did they do that instead of picking them up for questioning, when Djohar was at school? It seems that the authorities wanted there to …

Owl: Boston Narrative Unravels Further….

The Boston bomber official “narrative” just keeps on keeping on falling apart, and virtually on a daily basis.  After the full article below, I have put a commentary from someone else drawing parallels between 9/11 and the Boston bombing. Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart Posted onApril 22, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog Chechen Brothers Did NOT …