Gareth Porter: Obama’s False Narrative on Iran — Zionists — and Sunni Dictators “Own” the White House and the Black House

Obama’s line on the Iran nuclear deal: A second false narrative Buying into the narrative that Iran is a rogue nuclear state could harm the thawing of relations between the country and the US RELATED: Chuck Spinney: Uri Avnery on Sheldon’s Stooges — Netanyahu Declares War on Obama, Zionists Empty the Bench… Intelligence Director Clapper …

Chuck Spinney: Uri Avnery on Sheldon’s Stooges — Netanyahu Declares War on Obama, Zionists Empty the Bench…

Sheldon’s Stooges Uri Avnery, 25/07/15 [The author is a  former member of the Irgun, a hero of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, a former member of the Israeli Knesset, and Israel’s leading peace advocate. His awe inspiring biography can be found here.] EXTRACT He has practically declared war on the President of the United States, the Leader …

Mongoose: Charleston False Flag Indicators

Charleston has not been properly investigated. CHARLESTON CHURCH – FALSE FLAG CONSPIRACY Rita Katz who was reportedly the brains behind various fake Osama bin Laden videos. “She served in the Israeli Defense Forces.” Russ Winter writes: The original Dylann Roof photos were first tweeted by Rita Katz at 7:37 am on the 18th. ‘Arrest’ of Dylann Storm Roof: The Hoax …

CounterPunch: Robert Steele: A Fantasy On the Seventh Day — How to Fast Track Extreme Democracy in the USA

A Fantasy: On the Seventh Day DAY ONE The fat sweaty Capitol Hill policeman was in lust. The perfect babe was walking past him toward the steps of The Capitol, wearing only a T-shirt and the shortest of shorts, carrying only a cell phone and a jug. The possibilities of a wet T-shirt fully occupied …