Worth A Look: Association for Intelligence Officers

Phi Beta Iota: Apart from Intelligence Online out of Paris, we regard the Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO) in the USA, along with the Society of Competitive Intelligence Progressionals (SCIP) as being among the best of the best.  Below is the table of contents from their latest newsletter.  Anyone can join as a subscriber, at …

Review: Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements

Excellent Primer Lacking in Some Substantive Respects July 7, 2010 James DeFronzo There is no question but that this book would be an excellent undergraduate primer, but it is lacking in a number of substantive respects. The shortfalls first: 1. Needs to add understanding and summary of “secret war” and covert action dimensions underlying each …

Event Report: 30 Jun-1 July, NYC – ICSR Peace and Security Summit

Peace and Security Summit Event Report/Notes + Host: London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence + Partners, Affiliates, Financial Support: National Defense Univ, Rena & Sami David, The Rockefeller Foundation, Public Safety Canada, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, Centre for Policy Research, New Dehli, Dept of War Studies , King’s College …

Where We Are Winning – Where We Are Losing: Futurologists Publish Annual Report on Major World Problems and Opportunities

Where We Are Winning – Where We Are Losing: Futurologists Publish Annual Report on Major World Problems and Opportunities Berlin 7th July 2010 – Can civilization implement solutions fast enough to keep ahead of the looming challenges? The Millennium Project, a global independent think tank of futurologists, and thought leaders, today published its 14th report …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: PSYOP versus Truth in AF-PK

Afghanistan-Pakistan: Afghanistan’s Tolo TV cited Pakistani media stating that Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar was arrested in Pakistan, Xinhua reported 6 July. Taliban spokesman Qari Yusuf Ahmadi almost immediately rejected the report as “mere Western propaganda,” stating that the Taliban chief is free, enjoys sound health and is in full command of his fighters. The …