Journal: William Polk on Afghanistan Non-Strategy Plus Consolidated Journal, Review, and Reference Links for Afghanistan

William R. Polk recently sent out the attached letter to his distribution list.  It is a very comprehensive and I believe important review of Afghanistan.  I urge you to take the time to read it.  Appended to the end are a series of notes he used in the construction of his letter.   Polk know …

Journal: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Punjab, and Taliban

 Could the Taliban Take Over Pakistan’s Punjab Province? By Ahmad Majidyar  |  AEI Online (June 2010) Key points in this Outlook: Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and al Qaeda have teamed up with Punjabi militant and sectarian groups to destabilize Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province. Although the militants have yet to assert the same control in southern …

NIGHTWATCH on Afghanistan, Pakistan, & India

Pakistan-Afghan: Expressing dissatisfaction about the deteriorating Afghan situation, Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi said that talks are the only solution to the Afghan problem and no military means can bring peace. Qureshi spoke in a joint press conference with his Afghan counterpart Dr. Zalmai Rasoul. Qureshi said they discussed the security situation, especially the efforts of …

23 Worst Tyrants/Dictators (Yes, there’s more than 23) and Oops, there’s Saudi Arabia..

The Worst of the Worst BY GEORGE B.N. AYITTEY | JULY/AUGUST 2010 Millions of lives have been lost, economies have collapsed, and whole states have failed under brutal repression. And what has made it worse is that the world is in denial. The end of the Cold War was also supposed to be the “End …

Yemen: Internal Situation Report for October 2009 prepared by USCG Intelligence Coordination Center (ICC)

This report was prepared by the USCG Intelligence Coordination Center (ICC) in support of the Yemen Virtual Intelligence Team Community of Interest (COI) regarding the current political, military, economic, and social situations in Yemen. KEY ISSUES • The Yemeni Government’s internal northern war against the Zaidi Shia or “Huthi” rebels escalated with the August 2009 …