Michel Bauwens: Life of the Internet or Internet as Our Life?

Below by Nick Mendoza is recommended! Up front extract: With the decline of state capitalism, capitalist governments and corporations now dream of the internet as the tool for corporate growth through ontological colonialism, free to expand within the mind and the planet, exploiting everyone alike. Metal, code, flesh: Why we need a ‘Rights of the …

Michel Bauwens: Occupy as a Culture Change Movement

Discussing OWS (3): #OccupyWallStreet as a Culture Change Movement Excerpted from William Gamson: “The single most important thing to understand about the Occupy movement[deleted plural ending] is that it is primarily a movement about cultural change, not institutional and policy change. Cultural change means changing the nature of political discourse and the various spheres in …

Michel Bauwens: Militarization of Police in Preparation for May Day by Occupy Wall Street

Max Blumenthal of the Nation Institute explains the further militarization. Police being armed with military weapons. Posse Comitatus being side-stepped by converting police into a virtual military — includes long-range acoustic device as well as tasers and military grade pepper spray. US citizens protesting non-violently now being classified as criminals with a blurring of the …

Michel Bauwens: Occupations as a Political Tactic

A short story of occupations as a political tactic (#OccupyWallStreet update) Excerpted from Shareable, By Willie Osterweil: “There have been many resistance movements throughout history which have made use of the occupation tactic. In the United States, the unemployed Coxey’s Army, which marched across the country decrying injustice and unemployment in 1894, camped out throughout …

Michael Bauwens: Occupy Movement Alive and Well

Flurry of local #OccupyWallStreet actions and successes show strength and staying power of movement Excerpted via Rose Aguilar: ” the movement is far from dead. Here in California, the movement is exploding. In a recent study called “Diffusion of the Occupy Movement in California,” UC Riverside researchers surveyed 482 incorporated towns and cities in California …