Henry Makow: Archbishop Vigano — The “Reset” is Advent of Satan

“This is a religious war.” – Archbishop Vigano “In practice, it is the passage from the Kingdom of Christ to the Kingdom of the Antichrist, from a virtuous society that punishes evildoers to the impious and wicked society that punishes the good.” Pope Francis’ satanic apostasy has given rise to a new Pope, Archbishop Carlos …

Mongoose: Same play script as Viet-Nam, dump immigrants across America

Alert Reader comments: Allen Dulles (Rothschild) CIA kidnapped 1.1 million North Vietnamese at gun point, loaded them in helicopters and dumped them without supplies across the Mekong Delta in far south in the 1950’s to destabilize a peaceful sustainable agrarian culture into a disaster that would need to be “saved”. This is exactly what same …

State of the Nation: OPERATION SUEZ SHUTDOWN: A Global Psyop With Multiple Nefarious NWO Ambitions

OPERATION SUEZ SHUTDOWN: A Global Psyop With Multiple Nefarious NWO Ambitions First and Foremost, this Global Psyop is Designed to Force the World into Biden’s Green New Deal There is an epochal war being waged between the most powerful and wealthy Illuminati families who presently run the world. Just like the rest of humankind, there …