Berto Jongman: Pitchforks Coming for Catholic Pedophilia Clerics

‘We’re Coming for Them’: Survivors Demand Release of 884-Page Pennsylvania Clergy Sex Abuse Report A court just muzzled the ‘damaging’ findings on decades of Catholic clerical abuse. But it’s not over. ‘We are coming for them,’ says a state rep who was raped by a priest at 13. See Also: Pedophilia @ Phi Beta Iota

Mongoose: Operation Brownstone — Is CIA Using Children for Pedophilia Blackmail Across the USA?

What is Operation Brownstone/a Brownstone Operation? Is it real? More than likely. Operation Brownstone, also known as a “Brownstone operation,” is a reference to a theory that intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, engage in utilizing underage individuals for prostitution purposes with high profile targets, for the purposes of being able to blackmail …

Berto Jongman: Truth Project, 1,400 Pedophilia Victims Across the UK, Exploding Public Consciousness

The dark truth about child sex abuse: Devastating ‘Truth Project’ report reveals paedophile attacks by doctors, teachers and social workers are far more widespread than feared Researchers found abuse widespread across all communities and social classes New report is based of the biggest archive of evidence by abuse victims ever It presents detailed accounts from …

Owl: Bourdain, Occult Girlfriend, Pedophilia, Death by Doorknob

“Eyes Wide Shut” is much more of a documentary than most people realize. Maybe Bourdain knew. What Kubrick movie did for Satanic obsessions of Hollywood elite needs to be done on a movie about same obsessions of politicians, bankers, judges, CEOs, etc.  What’s so troubling to think about this: if our world is ruled by …