Nik Peachey: The fully automated bibliography, research, citation, and internet highlighting tool

This looks like an interesting attempt to develop tools for digital study skills The fully automated bibliography, research, citation, and internet highlighting tool. From – Today, 5:54 AM Our innovative academic research platform allows students and researchers to save, organize, and automatically cite online or offline information throughout the duration of the writing process, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Big Data Tool Combines MapR with Elasticsearch

MapR Integrates Elasticsearch into Platform Writer Christopher Tozzi opens his Var Guy article, “MapR, Elasticsearch Partner on Open Source Big Data Search,” with a good question: With so many Hadoop distributions out there, what makes one stand out? MapR hopes an integration with Elasticsearch will help them with that. The move brings to MapR, as …

Sepp Hasslberger: Daniel Nocera Achieves Holy Grail of Energy Research — a Silicon Leaf that Splits Water

Simple and efficient – producing hydrogen and oxygen from water by use of light and catalysts. They say electricity is cheap and no one wants the new technology, so Nocera is setting his sights on the developing world… The artificial leaf that could power the world Cambridge, MA (CNN) — As Daniel Nocera gazed down …

Search: 9 Types of Energy

We love searches that show us new stuff. Here at Phi Beta Iota the top Energy mind is that of Sepp Hasslberger, a wizard curator on renewable energies and related technologies. See his contributions below: Sepp Hasslberger @ Phi Beta Iota Here are some charts we pulled in as a result of this interesting search.

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Search Sucks, Google Hides, Norvig’s Law Skins Singularity

Open Source Search: Just Like Good Old Proprietary Search The more search changes, the more it remains the same it seems. Come to think of it: Most of today’s vendors are following the scripts written for Fulcrum Technologies and Verity who stomped around the C suite in the 1980s. Is the search sector running an …