Robert Steele: Sidney Powell Served in Billion Dollar Lawsuit from Electronic Voting Companies Accused of Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Elections — My View

SHORT MEMORABLE URL: VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT POSTED Sidney Powell has been served in the 1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit. Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell served in Biltmore Forest with $1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit Because the entire US legal system is compromised, absent some additional defenses it is entirely possible she could be framed and convicted  the …

Art Kleiner: The Felt-Fair Economy and the Future of Economic Confidence

THE FELT-FAIR ECONOMY AND THE FUTURE OF ECONOMIC CONFIDENCE By Art Kleiner Introduction In the 1940s, Elliott Jaques – an eminent and original organizational theorist, and the person who coined the terms “corporate culture” and “midlife crisis” – introduced a management metric he called “felt-fair pay.” He interviewed thousands of employees at hierarchical organizations around …

Martin Armstrong: Just Say No to the Prick (Fauci & Needle) with Extended Illustrated Comment by Robert Steele

Just Say No to the Prick I have stated that my cousin was a front-line nurse. She caught COVID and got over it. The hospital made her get the vaccine. After the first dose, she had a stroke. Fortunately, she has recovered. She has now refused the second dose. Another friend whose son-in-law works in …

Matt Ehret: Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War

Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War Over the past weeks, a surge in slanderous, and often conjectural stories of Chinese subversion has repeatedly been fed to a gullible western audience desperate for an enemy image to attach to their realization that an obvious long-term conspiracy has been unleashed …

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Algorithms Can Kill You . . .

Facebook Algorithms: Pernicious, Careless, Indifferent, or No Big Deal? What is good for the social media platform is not necessarily good for its users. Or society. The Startup examines the “Facebook AI Algorithm: One of the Most Destructive Technologies Ever Invented.” Facebook’s AI is marketed as a way to give users more of what they …