Berto Jongman: Internet Shut-Down, Internet War, US Faking a Russian Attack?

ORIGINAL STORY ON 16 OCT 2016 U.S. To Use Internet ‘Kill Switch’ By November In Cyberwar With Russia The US government is preparing to activate an “internet kill switch” according to cyber security experts, and the groundwork has been laid to blame the unprecedented act on Russia. LO AND BEHOLD ON 21 oct 2016 Someone …

CRS: US Periods of War and Dates of Recent Conflicts

U.S. Periods of War and Dates of Recent Conflicts, updated September 29, 2016 Many wars or conflicts in U.S. history have federally designated “periods of war,” dates marking their beginning and ending. These dates are important for qualification for certain veterans’ pension or disability benefits. Confusion can occur because beginning and ending dates for “periods …

Antechinus: British Ambassador on War, Profit, Politics, Bush and Blair (and Clinton) as Servants to the Cabal

Two minute read and 20 minute compelling video that names names. Ex British Ambassador Makes Astonishing Speech About Tony Blair, George Bush, War and Profit Former British Ambassador Craig Murray says peaceful resolution of conflicts around the world will not stop while western countries retain their current political and economic power structures. He suggests that …

Edward Schumacher-Matos – A New Vision for IR Schools in the Platformed World

A New Vision for IR Schools in the Platformed World Key points: Whole way in which information and society are organized has changed. From stovepipes to networks — growing power of audience and authentity. This is a threat to the whole Westphalian order of nations (i.e. top-down “because we say so” hierarchical authority). State-owned media …

Yoda: Death to Elsevier & Thomson Reuters — Academic Information Breaks Free…

Who’s downloading pirated papers? Everyone In rich and poor countries, researchers turn to the Sci-Hub website. John Bohannon, Science, 28 April 2016 To read a 2011 paper in Applied Mathematics and Computation, Rahimi would have to pay the publisher, Elsevier, $28. A 2015 paper in Operations Research, published by the U.S.-based company INFORMS, would cost …

Stephen E. Arnold: Citation Analytics Warmed Over and Still Incompetent

Innovation Is Not Reheated Pizza. Do you remember Eugene Garfield? He was the go to person in the field of citation analysis. The jargon attached to his figuring out how to identify who cited what journal article snagged old school jargon like bibliometrics. Dr. Garfield founded the Institute for Scientific Information. He sold ISI to …