Search (2): jongman world conflict map 1997 – jongman world conflict and human rights

Berto Jongman is one of the top Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) pioneers.   Word Press search has its good and bad features.  Good is that it updates instantly.  Bad is that it prefers simple searches e.g. <Jongman map> without the brackets.  Neutral is the fact that for older references, you will have to wade through every …

Newt Gingrich, Vice-President for Global Engagement–Waging Peace

Robert David Steele Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence Posted: October 12, 2010 10:52 AM Newt Gingrich, Vice-President for Global Engagement–Waging Peace Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and Make Comments. Below, as a memory aid, are the elements and proposed leaders within the Vice Presidency for the Commonwealth, each …

Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet

UPDATED 29 May 2011 to add top-level link: Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This? Robert David Steele Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence Posted: September 30, 2010 09:41 AM Virtual President Announces Coalition Cabinet Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and/or Comment. My fellow Americans, I am honored to …

Search: osint

Searching for osint on this web site is like searching for Steele as an author among all the other authors–the entire site lines up.  However, since 4-6 people do this search daily, we’ve decided to give them an easy first hit. OSS.Net, Inc. Basic Reference of Links 2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic) 2008 Open Source …