Winslow Wheeler: USAF Lies Big on F-22, Sacrifices Pilots, Zero Integrity

I have spoken to several people who have been closely following the problem of the F-22’s extremely serious physiological impact on its own pilots and ground crew.  Not one of these people found Major General Charles Lyon’s performance last week in a DOD briefing convincing.  If anything the general’s assertion that the problems can all be …

Winslow Wheeler: Military Spending True Lies True Costs

While Buck McKeon and Lindsey Graham continue to join with Lockheed-Martin in their jobs scare campaign, Ben Freeman at POGO did some fascinating research. Bearing in mind that the dreaded doomsday machine of sequester would return DOD spending to 2006 levels of spending (adjusted for inflation), Ben looked at how major contractor revenue and employment in 2006 …

John Steiner: What we in 2012 can learn from Teddy Roosevelt in 1912

What we in 2012 can learn from Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 CNN, 6 August 2012 Editor’s note: John Avlon is a CNN contributor and senior political columnist for Newsweek and The Daily Beast. He is co-editor of the book “Deadline Artists: America’s Greatest Newspaper Columns.” He is a regular contributor to “Erin Burnett OutFront” and …

Patrick Meier: Traditional vs. Crowdsourced Election Monitoring: Which Has More Impact?

Traditional vs. Crowdsourced Election Monitoring: Which Has More Impact? Max Grömping makes a significant contribution to the theory and discourse of crowdsourced election monitoring in his excellent study: “Many Eyes of Any Kind? Comparing Traditional and Crowdsourced Monitoring and their Contribu-tion to Democracy” (PDF). This 25-page study is definitely a must-read for anyone interested in this topic. That …

Tom Atlee: Public opinion, public judgment, and public wisdom

Pollsters, politicians and pundits quote public opinion polls to tell us what the public thinks. Deliberative democracy advocates promote public judgment to deepen public opinion. Few people talk about public wisdom – what it could be and what it could do. I think we need all three forms of public sensibility. I think we can …

20120805 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: THE LIST: ROOT POST: THE BOOK: THE AUTHOR: TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost