Journal: From Social “Science” HTT to KR Death Squads

Linking JIEDDO to US Death Squads: Chinese Publication Seeks Guidance from HTS Program Manager “According to several government and civilian sources, [Michael] Furlong’s operation was funded under a $24.6 million contract by the Defense Department’s Joint IED Defeat Organization [JIEDDO], which was set up early in the Iraq war to combat insurgents’ roadside bombs. His …

Journal: Joe Mazzafro, USN (Ret), on IC Performance

How Should We Measure Intelligence Community Performance?, by Joseph Mazzafro. As the Congress and the DC dignitary debate if health care is affordable given the nation’s first trillion dollar annual debit incursion, I am wondering where the money would come from should the United States need to defend its national interests against another Al Qaeda …

Journal: DoD Contract Assassins, CIA Torturers, and ACLU as Phil Agee Redux? Self-Immolation 101….

[DoD] Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants KABUL, Afghanistan — Under the cover of a benign government information-gathering program, a Defense Department official set up a network of private contractors in Afghanistan and Pakistan to help track and kill suspected militants, according to military officials and businessmen in Afghanistan and the United …

2010 INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability

KINDLE with Active Links Hard Copy: Book’s Amazon Page ($16.93) A massive cultural tsunami is sweeping round the world as the five billion poor acquire Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and the one billion rich realize that the era of Empire Rule Of, By, and For the Few is over. Happily, this is a revolution …

Search: osint cycle

Most interesting.  This is two different concepts that need to be broken out. Intelligence Cycle with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). When used as a stand-alone discipline–OSINT is the only all-source intelligence discipline that is ALSO a “full-spectrum” multi-INT in its own right with commercial imagery, commercial signals monitoring, commercial measurement & signatures–the OSINT “cycle” is …