Berto Jongman: Charles Lewis on 935 Lies – Can A Democracy Lie to Death?

Great interview. Can a democracy die of too many lies? BOOK: 935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America’s Moral Integrity Facts are and must be the coin of the realm in a democracy, for government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” requires and assumes to some extent …

Berto Jongman: Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists

Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists Regulations on pesticides have failed to prevent poisoning of almost all habitats, international team of scientists concludes The world’s most widely used insecticides have contaminated the environment across the planet so pervasively that global food production is at risk, according to a comprehensive scientific assessment of …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Discussion of Presbeterian Divestment of Zionist Occupation Allies (Motorola, Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard Et Al)

Editor’s Note: We invited the Relgious Action Center of the Reform Movement and J Street, both of which have opposed the Presbyterian divestment resolution, to respond to those who support the Presbyterian resolution. Neither agreed to do so. Tikkun has sought to be a safe space in which both sides could present their thinking. But …

Eagle: Charles Hugh Smith on Failed US Economy — Endless Parade of Lies, Manipulations, and Deceptions

Our “Make It Look Good” Economy Has Failed When rigged numbers are the basis of our success, we have failed. The essence of the U.S. economy is make it look good: never mind quality or long-term consequences, just make it look good today, this week, this month, this quarter: make the pink slime look like …

Wayne Madsen: NSA Spies on US Allies — With Direct Witting Assistance of AT&T, EDS, Qwest, H-P, Motorola, Cisco, Qualcomm, Oracle, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, and Verizon

Washington Spies on NATO; Other Allies Wayne MADSEN Strategic | 18.05.2014 EXTRACT Implants are inserted by NSA into targeted computer systems and network devices through what the NSA calls «supply-chain interdiction». Equipment is intercepted between the manufacturer and the end-user. At a secret facility called a «load station», devices called «beacons» are inserted clandestinely …

Owl: American Mass Media – 24 Hours of Non-Stop Lies, Obfuscations, and Omissions

American Mass Media: 24 Hours of Non-Stop Lies, Obfuscations, and Omissions Is there anything in all of human history that is quite like American mass media in its power and capacity to pump out – through gigantic electronic fire hoses for 24 hours a day, every day of the week – lies upon lies (to …