SchwartzReport: US Nuclear Infrastructure a Radioactive Time Bomb — We Are Not Ready and USG Lies to the Public About This…

Here we have a pretty realistic take on the state of the U.S. nuclear industry. We have been so lucky not to have had a crisis like Chernobyl. Click through to see the supporting graphics. Our Nuclear Infrastructure Is a Radioactive Time Bomb BRENDAN SCOTT – Vice News The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has had a …

Owl: “Suicided” Bankers Worth Over Half a Trillion in Life Insurance, Payable to Banks, Not Families — JP Morgan in Spotlight

Maybe They are Killing Bankers for Their Life Insurance? Criminality can take many forms, based on the breadth and depth of human depravity and pathological ingenuity. Applying life insurance to pay off corporations when a current or former employee dies, in this case for bankers, a life insurance program called BOLI (bank-owned life insurance), has …

SchwartzReport: Lies About Food and the One Truth – Processed Food = Poison

This is upsetting news but good news, and excellent science. The strength of science is its capacity for self-correction. And this is a good example. I completely agree with the observation: “The crucial phrase ‘avoid processed food’ appears nowhere in government nutritional guidelines, yet this is the most concise way to sum up in practical …

Berto Jongman: YouTube (14:46) NSA Deceptions & Lies Pre- and Post- 9/11

This is a MUST WATCH. Includes NSA spying on Secretary of State Colin Powell, pre-Senator Barack Obama, specific generals including Petraeus, and specific Supreme Court Justices as well as specific lawyers across the country. Begins with segment in which General Mike Hayden, then Director of NSA, is shown actively lying, with malice aforethought, to a …

Chuck Spinney: Ukraine Hysteria, Spies, Lies, & Pentagon Budget Games

This report/analysis in Le Monde Diplomatique (also attached below) provides a background on the rise of far right — some would say neo-fascist — politics in Ukraine.  I have reformatted and highlighted it to emphasize points that struck me as important.  If you find my markup distracting, the preceding link will take you to the …

Jim Fetzer: 9/11 – World Swirling in Volcano of Lies

9/11 – World Swirling in Volcano of Lies by Dennis Cimino with Jim Fetzer Veterans Today, 14 February 2014 BREAKING NEWS: We have found a resolution that validates and integrates three apparently inconsistent positions (on the use of big nukes, small nukes and nanothermite) from respected experts on 9/11. The contentious debate over how the …

John Steiner: Working Families Party – 25 Years of Very Hard Work About to See Positive Effect?

Thanks to: Billy Wimsatt I found myself really moved reading this long-form piece on Dan Cantor and the roots and growth of the Working Families Party. Although I love WFP, consider Dan a friend, and have heard him rant often and at length about the WFP’s strategy, I didn’t know half the stuff in this …