Lazarus Initiative first Symposium Feat. Sacha Stone

Lazarus Initiative first Symposium The Lazarus Initiative Memberships are for those ready to catalyze into a new reality, for those demanding that tyrannical rule cease to govern our world and for those desiring deep connection with others on the path of ascension. Receive all updates:

Caitlin Johnstone: Maturity Is Discovering How Everything You Believe Is A Lie

You get your first taste of it when you’re little. You find your Christmas presents in your parents’ closet in early December, or maybe some older kid just tells you that Santa Claus isn’t real. What the hell? What the hell is this? Some freaky psyop run by your parents, just for kicks? And all …

Energy Forecast Till The Lion’s Gate Portal, 2021

Author: Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, February 17, 2021 Energy Forecast Till The Lion’s Gate Portal This energy forecast is a follow-up of my previous energy report: Energy Report For February, Outlook For March 2021 (see more below fold)

Robert Steele: DEPLATFORMED by PayPal — Am Striking Back — Checks Are Best Way of Donating

By the grace of God, donations by check and wire offer me the Armor of God against unethical abusive companies among which PayPal is now assured of front row standing. They know full well of my strong history as a Patriot and as having a Gold Star rating as a non-profit. This is a Deep …