John Robb: Radical Energy Innovation Here Now

RC ENERGY TIDBIT: Leveraging the Earth for Heat/Cooling Resilient energy leverages the terrain. Resilient guerrillas/warriors leverage the terrain they are fighting on to the max.  In our case, we want: plentiful, low cost (hyper efficient) energy that uses a process that’s inexpensive to maintain and is under our control (not subject global supply chain factors and …

Mario Profaca: US Lacks Cyber-Intelligence + RECAP

US lacks serious cyber intelligence Study says US government, business need to kick network security up a notch Michael Cooney Network World, 12 September 2011 There is an urgent need for businesses and our government to develop high-level cyber intelligence as a way to combat the unacceptable levels of online security threats because the current …

John Marke: Complexity Enhanced Risk Insights

Accenture isn’t “top of mind” when we think of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)…for now.   I recall a Senior Director at consulting firm I worked for (it’s no longer in business)  tell an auditorium of about 1000 consultants “I’m not afraid of Accenture.  They don’t scare me.”  Ah huh. I thought: “That’s because you haven’t come up against them in the …

Human Trafficking Funded by US Taxpayer

The Najlaa Episode Revisited By DAVID ISENBERG and NICK SCHWELLENBACH Project on Government Oversight (POGO) June 14, 2011 Documents Reveal Details of Alleged Labor Trafficking by KBR Subcontractor EXTRACT: An Estimated Quarter of a Million Victims There are no definitive numbers on the scale of labor trafficking. However, writing in Fraud magazine, supply chain compliance …