Robert Steele: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution 14)

Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way Robert David Steele Defence & Intelligence Norway 13 September 2017 Editor-in-Chief Note: The author was recommended by me, and probably nominated by a Norwegian Minister, for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017. I believe that he is redefining defense, economics, governance, intelligence, and …

Berto Jongman: Artificial Intelligence Arms Race — Harsh Comment by Robert Steele

AI could Kickstart a New Global Arms Race – we need Better Ways to Govern it before it’s too Late There is a lot of money to be made from Artificial Intelligence. By one estimate, the market is projected to hit US$36.8 billion by 2025. Some of this money will undoubtedly go to social good, like curing …

Spanda Journal: Collective Enlightenment

We are pleased to inform you that the Spanda Journal special issue on  “Collective Enlightenment” is out, you can read it online, or download your free copy here. The edition features 25 insights on the state of the art in Consciousness and Enlightenment studies:

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia Update — Podesta Secrets, Two-Party Tyranny & Hollywood Rape, Torture, & Murder Small Children

The Real Reasons Why Podesta Must Testify In Secret Podesta knows where all the bodies are buried… Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring Actor exposes pedophilia and links to Washington child abuse Brad Pitt: ‘Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America’ Movie star speaks out against pedophilia rings Child Sex Trafficking & …