Martin Armstrong: DC Corporation is NOT USA Corporation

1871 Act making DC a Corporation The Act of 1871 incorporated the District of Columbia – NOT the United States!. Here is an article about it when it passed. Trump did not dissolve the US and Biden is not the president of just DC. Read full answer with images of relevant documents.

John Petersen: Ethical Skeptic on Unethical Leadership

For Me to Win You Must Lose Everything The friction of corruption inside an economic value chain – the diminishing of ethics, dispersion of hope, and dilution in humanity – these things, and not simply economics, are the reasons why economies fail under the weight of their ‘inflation’.

Steven Vervaecke: One Way to Create Your Own Web 3.0 Server Plus Comments

I have talked extensively about the fediverse, the decentral web, FAAMG alternatives and big tech censorship. My blogs offer a compelling overview and I have done work & stories for Robert David Steele about the decentral web. So you may ask yourself, after all this talk about going decentral and web 3.0, how do you …