Journal: USN Refuses NGF for USMC–Gap Clearly Identified by Expeditionary Factors Study in 1989

Commandant: Marine Corps Seeks Solutions to Naval Surface Fires ‘Void’ In a recent article from “Inside the”, the Marine Corps expressed continued concern for the lack of naval surface fires support that only the DDG-1000 offers.  According to this published report, Marine Corps Commandant, Gen. James Conway, referred to the truncation of the DDG-1000 …

Worth A Look: MobileIron C4I in the Cloud

Network World Names MobileIron a Top 10 Start-up to Watch (Company Press Release) MobileIron’s Innovative Solution for Smartphone Management Drives Selection Smartphone usage in the enterprise continues to grow rapidly. Forrester Research recently released data showing that 78 percent of information workers across the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. either already use or would like …

Journal: What Al Qaeda Et Al Can and Cannot Do

The Meaning Of Al Qaeda’s Double Agent:  The jihadists are showing impressive counterintelligence ability that the CIA seems to have underestimated. Wall Street Journal Reuel Marc Gerecht January 8, 2010  [safety copy of entire piece below the fold] Amid the Hysteria, A Look at What al-Qaeda Can’t Do TIME Magazine By Peter Beinart Monday, Jan. 18, …

Journal: USG, IC, and Especially CT in a Shambles

January 7, 2010 Why? CounterTerrorism in Shambles By RAY McGOVERN and COLEEN ROWLEY On January 5, a blogger with the PBS’ NewsHour asked former CIA analyst Ray McGovern to respond to three questions regarding recent events involving the CIA, FBI, and the intelligence community in general Two other old intelligence hands were asked the identical questions, …