Owl: Did an Electro-Magnetic Pulse Bomb Take Down the Malaysian Airlines Flight to China?

Did a Non-Nuclear Electro Magnetic Pulse Weapon Take Down Flight 370? This article poses the theory that Flight 370 was taken down by a non-nuclear portable EMP device to work as a dry run for more future and large coordinated attacks against cities. This type of attack in essence fries the electronics of jets and …

Mini-Me: 9/11 Convergence 15th Anniversary — Silverstein Briefed Jews on Plans for New Towers 17 Months Before 9/11

Huh? SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/911-Cheney NEW 2018-02-25 Paul Adams: As I was listening to the 9/11 segment of the interview, you should know I just viewed a documentary where Larry Silverstein in front of a group of Jews, explained how in April 2000 – 17 months before 9/11 – he was reviewing the blueprints for the …

Owl: Malaysian Airlines a Mossad False Flag? Update 4

UPDATE 13 MAR 14: Owl: Malaysian Airlines Flight Hijacked via AWACS? Chinese Engineers Renditioned? Flew 4 Hours After Radar Loss – False Flag Blocked By Public Intelligence? Owl: Was a Harry Potter-Like Electronic “Cloak of Invisibility” Used on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 by Freescale Semiconductor Contractors? Malaysia Airliner Communications Shut Down Separately: US Officials Say …