Review–The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization

Hard Truth–Left, Right, or Independent, It Is The Truth May 29, 2002 Patrick Buchanan Patrick Buchanan has impressed me enormously with this book. For one thing, he has his facts right. The English-speaking peoples, as Churchill called them, and the Caucasian peoples, as our Russian colleagues as well as Europe might be inclined to describe …

Review: The Skeptical Environmentalist–Measuring the Real State of the World

Gives New Meaning to Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics January 22, 2002 Bjorn Lomborg UPDATED 6 Oct 09 to upgrade to five stars and add links that comprise an apology of sorts. The more I read the less I know, and the more I appreciate the absolute essentiality of getting all points of view face …