Published Profiles of/by Robert David Steele

Multiple requests for “profiles” of founder Robert David Steele have come up, and inspire this particular posting for the convenience of those parties and others.  The World Brain & Global Game are inevitable.  It’s just a matter of time and energy.  Who invests first will substantially influence whether they are imperial in nature, or multinationally …

Reference: Hacking Humanity & Open Everything

This provides single place where all four Hacking Humanity versions can be accessed easily, along with core Open, Amazon, and Multinational Briefings. Chapter on Hacking Humanity (Denmark Book) 2010 The Ultimate Hack Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Chapter for Counter-Terrorism Book Out of Denmark) Briefing with Q&A on Hacking Humanity (NYC Hackers on Planet Earth) …

NATO on YouTube: Selective Summaries (5)

NATO You-Tube Front Page Phi Beta Iota Summary: Where should NATO go on out-of-area expeditionary operations?  How does NATO define security & stability?  How does NATO achieve balance between territorial defense and expeditionary operations, and between the voice of the big nations and the small nations?  What is defense?  What is 360 degree defense in …