Worth a Look: Available for Pre-Order at Amazon INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability

From the Amazon Page: Review Constantly committed to truth and honesty [this work] demonstrates his ability to grasp the real issues and to take into account the views and concerns of men of good will from all nations and all cultures. –Admiral Pierre Lacoste, French Navy (Retired), Former Director of Foreign Intelligence (DGSE) Robert Steele …

Journal: CIA Blows–Blackwater, $5M Bar Bill, and Reprise of Rendition Atrocities

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is more of a laughingstock around the world than most realize.  From being called “useful idiots” (tontos utiles) in Latin America to much, much worse in the Middle East, it appears to have become a bloated bureaucracy incapable of achieving anything of positive significance.  Intelligence is an inherently governmental function, …

Journal: Special Forces Collect, But Cannot Process

Phi Beta Iota: Tip of the Hat to Steven Aftergood and the Federation of American Scientists. “Ongoing SOF operations demonstrate the ability to collect significant amounts of pocket litter, hard copy documents, hard drives, cell phones, and other important hard copy and electronic media with significant intelligence value. However, without specialized expeditionary processing, this information …

Journal: Stronger Signals–Naked Virginia Police Chiefs

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++ We’ve seen quite a few stupid, abusive policemen–generally in Third World countries, struggling to make a living, treating corruption as a form of life insurance.  What we have not seen ourselves in Virginia, is stupid, abusive police chiefs and ignorant abusive “undercover” officers who go after citizens whose only crime …

Journal: Coup in Qatar? Middle East Convergences…

U.S. Military Downplays Qatar Coup Rumors By Jeff Stein | August 5, 2009 Senior American military officials Wednesday threw cold water on reports of an attempted coup d’etat in Qatar, nerve center for the U.S. military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. +++++++ Arab Websites Report On Failed Coup Attempt In Qatar Various Arab websites are …