Eagle: Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals

Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals By R. Jeffrey Smith and Aaron Mehta | Center for Public Integrity, 5 May 2012 The Defense Department has inadequately protected from reprisals whistleblowers who have reported wrongdoing, according to an internal Pentagon report, and critics are calling for action to be taken …

Review: Solving 9-11 The (Zionist) Deception That Changed the World

Christopher Lee Bollyn 5.0 out of 5 stars 6 Star Starting Point for National Counterintelligence Outing of Zionist Traitors in US Government and Industry, April 29, 2012 I hate electronic books for many reasons, including being an old guy that still thinks in hand – eye – brain terms, so let me start by saying …

Mini-Me: Call to Arms Occupy 2012 Hits West Coast & Paulistas

Huh? CULTURE | A Call to Arms from the Author of ‘The Open-Source Everything Manifesto’ By  RobertSteele – April 27, 2012 North Atlantic Books Communities As much as I love all that it represents, Occupy is struggling. The dirty little secret of Occupy is that it is moderately organized in NYC, Chicago, Boston, and Oakland …

Mini-Me: DoD “Spies” Will Die Often — Expect More “Car Crashes” All Over the World — and the Four Part Solution Clapper, Vickers, and Flynn Need to Consider

Huh? NIGHTWATCH Mali-US: For the record. US Africa Command announced that on 20 April three US soldiers and three civilians died in an automobile crash in Bamako. One was from the Army’s intelligence and security command and two were from special forces – Special Operations Command. The civilians were not identified, but almost certainly were …