Zero Hedge: Over 80% Of Black Americans Don’t Want To ‘Abolish Police’

Over 80% Of Black Americans Don’t Want To ‘Abolish Police’ While BLM would have one believe that cops are inherently evil and must be abolished, a new Gallup poll finds that’s most minorities in America don’t feel that way. Of those surveyed, 61% of Black Americans are just fine with current levels of police presence …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – June 2020 — Bye Bye American Billionaires!

American Gray Swans – June 2020 Bye Bye American Billionaires! If you know the famous song by Don McLean – American Pie from the 1970’s, sorry I had to ad-lib a little to make the point. So Bye Bye American Billionaires! I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry. And them …