Koko: 20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth TWITTER SHARE: #5G 5G will use Phased Array Antennas to shoot Beams of Radiation at Cell Phones 5G Phones will be much more Powerful than Previous Phones Why is 5G so Much More Dangerous than Previous Microwave Communication …

Ed Jewett: 5G Wireless Etc Killing & Damaging Living Cells (Human, Animal, Plant) — Terahertz WEaves Tearing Apart DNA …

Terahertz waves unzip DNA “… Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period. This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-review literature. These effects are seen in all life forms; plants, animals, insects, microbes. In humans, we have clear evidence of cancer now: there is no question. We have …

Mongoose: Cities Fighting 5G – 5G Is a Weapons System

Cities and Residents Are Rejecting the Federal Government’s Roll Out of 5G Citizen advocate, Gary Gileno, picked up our feature from last week about three cities in Marin County, California, that rejected the federal 5G roll out. He says that the cities passed ordinances, which carry the force of the law, instead of resolutions that …