John Robb: How Drones Can Recharge from Power Lines and Remain Active for Years

How Drones Can Live off the Land for Years Cyberweapons and synthetic biological weapons (GMOs) can self provision. They have the ability to live off the land (hosts, like human bodies and PCs) once they are unleashed. NOTE:  In many cases, they can also make perfect copies of themselves (copies in the trillions). But what …

2013 Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de Fuente Abierta

Documento (ocho paginas):  Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de fuentes abiertas de información 2.0 En Ingles:  2013 Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency AAIntelligencia Marzo 2013:  AAIMARZO2013 Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de Fuente Abierta ¿Puede Chile llevar a las Américas hacia un sistema total de Todo Abierto (Open …

2013 Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency

Document (4 Pages):  Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency 2.0 En Espanol:  2013 Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de Fuente Abierta AAIntelligencia Marzo 2013:  AAIMARZO2013 Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency Can Chile Lead the Americas Toward Open Source Everything? Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO, Earth Intelligence Network Editor’s …

SchwartzReport: The Cycle of Evil — Monsanto, Banks, Bees, & Myths of Martyrdom

The idea of patenting life forms, I think, is morally repugnant and, as this case illustrates, naturally leads to grotesque outcomes like trying to control the world’s food supply. Think about it: this is a kind of mythic evil. GMO and the Corporate Patenting of Living Organisms: Monsanto’s Patents on Life KATHERINE PAUL and RONNIE …

Owl: New Eugenics Vaccine + Herpes Activator + Eugenics Meta-RECAP

New Eugenics Weapon: FluBlok Insect Based Vaccine Kenny Valenzuela Activist Post, Friday March 1, 2013 EXTRACT: “FluBlok is the latest concoction being created by Protein Science Corporation which was bailed out in 2009 by the United States taxpayers in order to continue the research and development of this new population reduction weapon. Pumping tens of …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY: Chapter 5 Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics

DRAFT 1 OF 15 Chapter 5: Systems Thinking & True Cost Economics Funded by Mark Palermo, Inc. A.  Thinking & the Truth. 76 B.  Systems Thinking. 77 1.  Overview.. 77 2.  Time & Space in Systems Thinking. 78 3.  Creating & Using a Provisional Model 79 4.  Understanding Risk. 79 5.  Acts of Man: Failures …

Berto Jongman: Endocenes as Ground Zero in Anthropocene Impact on BioSphere

Global assessment of the state-of-the-science of endocrine disruptors Detailed Table of Contents and Preface Book is Free Online 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Document The last two decades have witnessed growing scientific concerns and public debate over the potential adverse effects that may result from exposure to a group of chemicals that have the potential …