SchwartzReport: Genetic Modification of Crops Insanely Criminal — and Chemicalization of Agricultural Production Contributing to Climate Change

Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops JONATHAN LATHAM and ALLISON WILSON – Independent Science News The more I read about the GMO controversy the more it appears to be a story of commercializing a new technology before it was really understood, leaving us vulnerable to unintended consequences. Here is an example …

SchwartzReport: Criminal Insanity in America – TSA, Monsanto, Scientologists

TSA to Remove Controversial X-ray Scanners JOSHUA FREED , Business Writer – The Associated Press We spent several billion dollars on this this ill-conceived program, and it has come to this. Monsanto Versus the People CHARLOTTE SILVER – Aljazeera (Qatar) Prop 37 went down in California thanks to a million dollar a day ad campaign …

SchwartzReport: McDonald’s McRib — Toxic to the Non-Bone

Brings new meaning to counter-intelligence. McDonald’s McRib Sandwich a Franken Creation of GMOs, Toxic Ingredients, Banned Ingredients Anthony Gucciardi Natural Society, 8 January 2013 It’s ‘McRib season’, and thousands across the nation are scrambling to use online websites like the ‘McRib locator‘ to stuff the McDonald’s McRib sandwich down their throats. A sandwich that is …

John Robb: Community Supported Agriculture — Farming as Service

Farming is Becoming a Service. Here’s How to Benefit From It By John Robb Farming is increasingly becoming a service. The reasons for this are simple. People want the freshness, quality, and meaning they get from buying local food from people they know.  It’s also great for the farmer, since it enables them to directly …

SchwartzReport: Genetic Modication – Case Study in Fraud, Waste, & Abuse Starting with Corruption of Information and Falsification of Intelligence

Genetic Engineering and the GMO Industry: Corporate Hijacking of Food and Agriculture “I recognized my two selves: a crusading idealist and a cold, granitic believer in the law of the jungle” – Edgar Monsanto Queeny, Monsanto chairman, 1943-63, “The Spirit of Enterprise”, 1934. When rich companies with politically-connected lobbyists and seats on government-appointed bodies bend …

Gold Transformer: Three Wild-Ass Brain and Soul Teasers

From the alternative reality group, three brain stretchers…..note how ethics is the key to quantum leap. Geoengineering Chemtrails HAARP World Orders Times Lines Ascension The-Uncommitted-Investigator Extra-Dimensional and Extra-Terrestial Existences EXTRACTS FROM GEOENGINEERING Stellar Evolution is Backwards! In Reciprocal System (RS) physics, Larson comes up with a better structure for the atom, based on the concept …