Stephen E. Arnold: Edward Snowden on Criminalization of Journalism

Snowden Speaks on Whistleblowers and the Criminalization of Journalism Edward Snowden, somewhat of an expert on high-profile whistle blowing and its aftermath, recently shared his thoughts on the freedom of the press with journalist Glenn Greenwald. Citing the interview, Newsweek reports, “Edward Snowden Says ‘War on Whistleblowers’ Trend Shows a ‘Criminalization of Journalism.’” The trend …

Mongoose: Coincidence or Deep State Enemy Action? The Usual Suspects – China, Gates, Soros, Fauci, Gilead Sciences, Wuhan, & Remdesivir

Remdesivir: George Soros & Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus Drug! A drug called Remdesivir, manufactured by Gilead Sciences, is now being reported as the ultimate “CURE” for COVID-19. But it gets MORE interesting… The patent for Remdesivir is currently held by China, through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary, called UNITAID.  …

EVENT: 5-6 December 2020 False Flags Conference, RDS Discount Code

If this doesn’t convince you that Americans are being manipulated on the basis of (elaborate) conspiracies of the greatest importance, I cannot imagine what would. If you mind is now open to the prospect, you may want to take advantage of the False Flags and Conspiracies 2020 Virtual Conference (5-6 December 2020) I have organized and will …

Eagle: Does White House Now Control Federal Reserve?

Inquiring mind asked this question.  Here are some answers. 20200904 All the ways a president can (and can’t) influence the Federal Reserve 20191125: Trump Takes Control of the Federal Reserve 20180705 The Fed Is Usually Off-Limits to the President. Is Trump Changing That? Wikipedia: The Federal Reserve Act

John Peterson: An Explanation of What Happened to Fox News

An email from unknown originator, worthy of reflection. Subject: An explanation of what happened to Fox News If you regularly watch Fox News and have been noticing something feels “off” with their election coverage, you’re not wrong. Around a year ago, conservative political wonks turned off Fox News for good. The reason why has to …