Journal: Multinational Transformation

A few thoughts: 1)  Information-sharing and sense-making is “root” for multinational operations. 2)  Education, intelligence, and research must all be open and multinational in nature. 3)  Peaceful preventive measures rooted in open education and intelligence are the foundation. 4)  Precision covert and clandestine multinational operations are the intermediate capability. 5)  Hybrid operations by all eight …

Journal: Dana Priest Strikes Again…

On Deadline ( July 16, 2010 Intelligence World Bracing For ‘Wash. Post’ Series On CIA, Pentagon Contractors By Michael Winter The nation’s spy world is anxiously — certainly not eagerly — anticipating a Washington Post series looking at CIA and Pentagon contractors, according to insider reports. And the intelligence community has been preparing for an …

Search: oss press cammaert

Generally Word Press search, which updates constantly, is much better with simpler searches.  Searching only for cammaert produces the following hits that we have resorted in relative order of value (Wrod Press delivers in reverse chronological order).  General Patrick Cammaert, RN NL (Ret) is the best qualified person we know to be the first Assistant-Secretary …

Journal: DoD Mind-Set Time Lags Most Fascinating

Pentagon Shifts Its Strategy To Small-Scale Warfare By August Cole and Yochi J. Dreazen Wall Street Journal  January 30, 2010  Pg. 4 The shift in strategy sets up potential conflicts with defense contractors and powerful lawmakers uneasy with the Pentagon’s growing focus on smaller-scale, guerilla warfare. In particular, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has come to …

Review: Power & Responsibility–Building International Order in an Era of Transnational Threat

Bubba Book January 6, 2010 Bruce Jones, Carlos Pascual, Stephen John Stedman EDIT of 7 Jan 09.  I got halfway through another book last night and now understand the Princeton-based idea that the US has enough power to demand changes and that earlier “balance of power” constraints might not apply.  On the one hand, this …

Graphic: UN Tools & Methods (Walter Dorn) Updated

The above first appeared in “The Cloak and the Blue Beret: Limitations on Intelligence in UN Peacekeeping, chapter 19 in PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future.  His earlier article “Intelligence and Peacekeeping: The UN Operation in the Congo, 1960-1964” remains the single best exposition of how to use intelligence as the foundation for successful …