Zero Hedge: Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Russian Briefcases Full of Cash and More….

FBI Informant Has Video Of Russian Agents With Briefcases Of Bribe Money In Clinton-Uranium Scandal Uranium One is the real scandal. Also: Frank Giustra was vectoring hundreds of millions of $ into Clinton Foundation. Also was involved with making sure Bill got tons of gibs for speaking fees. Almost every senior guy is attached to …

SPECIAL: WWIII Starts 14 December 2018 in Ukraine? Russian Military Briefing Video (English Captions), Nuclear Analysis by Eric Zuesse, Comment by Robert Steele

Turn on Closed Captions (CC) for English Sub-Titles Executive Summary: Ukraine attacks Russia 14 December after a false flag. US nuclear capabilities not quite ready, US military aviation is at 40%, US naval vessels are totally vulnerable to electromagnetic neutralization, and US ground forces are vulnerable to geospatial neutralization, hence US under Trump may not …

Doug Macgregor: Europe’s Army, Macron’s Disease, Leaving NATO

Europe’s new regional defense ANALYSIS/OPINION: It’s official. Europe will soon have its own army and, presumably, its own regional defense. At least that is the stated goal of French President Emmanuel Macron. Mr. Macron is restating a position that German Chancellor Angela Merkel adopted some time ago that, “We Europeans must really take our destiny …

Berto Jongman: Has General Vincent Stewart, USMC, Figured Out that US Has Cyber All Wrong? BRAVO ZULU!

Is the Defense Department’s entire vision of cybersecurity wrong? “What if the way we’ve structured Cyber Command and our thinking about this space, what if it’s wrong?” Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, deputy commander of U.S. Cyber Command, said during a keynote presentation at the CyCon U.S. conference in Washington Nov. 14. Cyber Command’s latest command …