Robert Steele: Should Open Source Code Have a PayPal Address & AON Sliding Scale Rate Sheet? UPDATE 2

Robert Steele: Should Open Source Code Have a PayPal Address & AON Sliding Scale Rate Sheet? UPDATE 2 Creative Commons remains the single most brilliant contribution to the licensing conversation surrounding open source code, but it is not good enough. Anything that requires direct reach-back from a user to a coder will not scale, and …

Ty Simpson: Crytosecession & Taxation

Cryptosecession and the limits of taxation Cryptosecession is the use of cryptographic and blockchain-based technologies (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitnation) to economically secede from incumbent institutions—namely, the state. Jason is at the 2016 Public Choice Society conference at the moment, where he’ll be presenting a paper in which we show that the threat of cryptosecession exerts an even greater limitation on …

Sean Brizendine: Equality and Governance on the Blockchain — No, Government Cannot Confiscate and Control….

When it comes to Blockchain technology everyone is equal. Sure some might have more hash power than others but that does not mean that that they are unequal because there is nothing stopping them from obtaining more hashes themselves if need be. For instance, if the Governments were to embrace Bitcoin or Ethereum or others …

UN Working Paper on Blockchain Empowerment of Global Communities

UN Working Paper Explores How the Blockchain Can Empower Global Communities A recent working paper released by the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), titled “How Can Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Play a Role in Building Social and Solidarity Finance?,” explores the potential of distributed ledgers to help create a global world order … Coalition of 40+ Scholarly Publishers

On Tuesday, we announced a major new initiative to bring this vision to reality, supported by a coalition of over 40 of the world’s essential scholarly organizations, such as JSTOR, PLOS, arXiv, HathiTrust, Wiley and HighWire Press, who are linking arms to establish a new paradigm of open collaborative annotation across the world’s knowledge. Read full first …