Robert Steele: The Future Can Be Shaped with Evidence-Based Dialog

The Future Can Be Shaped with Evidence-Based Dialog Russian International Affairs Council I always enjoy visiting the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), and most recently read “Entering 2019: Challenges and Opportunities,” by President Igor Ivanov of RIAC, himself also former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (1998–2004). I agree with everything he writes, …

Robert Steele with Rob Kall: What Would an Open Source Secretary of Defense Look Like?

What Would an Open Source Secretary of Defense Look Like? by Rob Kall OpEdNews 25 December 2018 Interview with Robert David Steele Shortly after James Mattis resigned as Secretary of Defense, I noticed a post from Robert David Steele, whom I have interviewed in the past (Transcript 1, Transcript 2), who is himself a former …

SPECIAL: Veterans Today Secretary of Efficient Defense or Secretary of Wasteful War? Robert David Steele as a Candidate – the Only Candidate with a Grand Strategy

Secretary of Efficient Defense or Secretary of Wasteful War? Robert David Steele as a Candidate – the Only Candidate with a Grand Strategy by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor James Mattis resigned because he represented the military-industrial complex (and its Zionist patron), and this brought him into conflict with the President, who is finally starting to …