Mongoose: Jews (Zionists?) Kill Free Speech in France

French Writer Hervé Ryssen Jailed for Criticizing Jews Ryssen was found guilty of “insult, provocation, and public defamation due to origin, ethnicity, nationality, race, or religion.” In 2016, he was sentenced to 5 months in jail for passages in his books Understanding Judaism, Understanding Anti-Semitism. In 2017, he was sentenced to 6 months in jail …

Review: The Politics Industry – Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy

3 Stars — A Crap Book with Zero Value There was a time when Michael Porter was moderately innovative and interesting.  No more. This is a crap book that totally mis-represents reality. Just as Robert Reich’s crap book blames the bankers without reference to the Deep State and the Red Mafiya/Zionist traitors, this book blames …