Reference: Towards a Curriculum for the Teaching of Jihadist Ideology

Towards a Curriculum for the Teaching of Jihadist Ideology The Jamestown Foundation October 27, 2010 10:00 AM Report, Home Page By: Stephen Ulph Towards a Curriculum for the Teaching of Jihadist Ideology aims to provide an introduction to the intellectual infrastructure of the jihadist phenomenon and the process of radicalization, and to furnish materials for …

Journal: Technology Can Save Feds $1T in 10 Years

By GreenerComputing Staff at Greener World Media Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:00am EDT Throughout this highly charged election season, government spending and the federal deficit have been a linchpin of political arguments. At the same time, a gridlocked Congress means that very little has been accomplished despite all the debate. But a report published earlier …

Journal: Microsoft’s Ozzie Memo Urges ‘Post-PC’ Devices, Services

Microsoft’s Ozzie Memo Urges ‘Post-PC’ Devices, Services By: Mark Hachman PCMAG.COM 10.25.2010 In a memo, Microsoft executive Ray Ozzie warned that the industry is moving to a post-PC world, and warned Microsoft employees that they must either lead or be pushed aside. The memo, entitled “Dawn of a New Day,” was dated Oct 28 and …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Using Rare Earth Elements (REE) to Test Economic & Technical Pressure Options

China and Rare Earth Elements: China’s new Five-Year Program will fail to bring any rapid change in export quotas for rare earth elements (REE), Chinese Ambassador to the World Trade Organization Sun Zhenyu said, Reuters reported. He also said China’s REE reserves were depleting quickly and that Beijing must conserve them. According to Sun, China’s …