Reference: Humanizing “The Man”

Humanizing “The Man:” Strengthening Psychological and Information Operations in Afghanistan by A. Lawrence Chickering In this paper, I will argue there are three great challenges the coalition forces need to overcome in their search for narratives that resonate with Afghans and that ultimately will promote support for the coalition and for the government. First is …

Reference: Daring to Dream

Seven Challenges 1.  Restoring Belief in the Future  to Overcome Fear, Pessimism, and Passivity 2.  Cultivating Leaders Who are Thoughtful, Inspiring, and Think Long-Term 3.  Empowering Six Billion People Economically and Politically 4.  Harmonizing Cultural, Racial, and Gender Differences in a  Globalizing World 5.  Reinventing an Outdated Educational System for the 21st Century 6.  Guiding …

Newt Gingrich, Vice-President for Global Engagement–Waging Peace

Robert David Steele Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence Posted: October 12, 2010 10:52 AM Newt Gingrich, Vice-President for Global Engagement–Waging Peace Click on Title to Read at Huffington Post and Make Comments. Below, as a memory aid, are the elements and proposed leaders within the Vice Presidency for the Commonwealth, each …

Worth a Look: Between Threats and War

When confronted with a persistent foreign policy problem that threatens U.S. interests, and that cannot be adequately addressed through economic or political pressure, American policymakers and opinion formers have increasingly resorted to recommending the use of limited military force: that is, enough force to attempt to resolve the problem while minimizing U.S. military deaths, local …

Journal: China the Adult, US Barely Out of Diapers

China-US-Vietnam: Defense Minister Liang Guanglie held talks with US Defense Secretary Gates in Hanoi on Monday on the sidelines of the 1st ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) on bilateral military ties. Defense Minister Liang invited Gates to visit China early next year, a Chinese official said. Gates accepted the invitation, according to the deputy …