Review: Why Don’t Students Like School–A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for the Classroom

Major Contribution, Itself a Bit Turgid, Easily in the Dirty Dozen MUST READS June 30, 2010 Daniel T. Willingham I struggled a bit with this book, which is ably and logically presented but does not tell a story as much as it delivers a lecture piece by piece. No doubt my own limitations in play, …

Search: UN intelligence peace intelligence

UN Intelligence Books use: Truth & Reconciliation (52) United Nations & NGOs (38) Books: INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability 2008 COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace Review: Corruption and Anti-Corruption–An Applied Philosophical Approach Review: A More Secure World–Our Shared Responsibility–Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change …

The Year of the Drone: Map & Analysis of U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan, 2004-2010

The research on these pages, which we have created in a good faith effort to be as transparent as possible with our sources and analysis and will be updated regularly, draws only on accounts from reliable media organizations with deep reporting capabilities in Pakistan, including the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, …

Secrecy News: GAO Oversight of Intelligence, Costs of Secrecy

GAO OVERSIGHT OF INTEL AGENCIES IN DISPUTE One of the simplest and most effective ways to strengthen congressional oversight of intelligence agencies would be to task cleared staffers from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which is the investigative arm of Congress, to undertake specific audits or investigations of intelligence programs.  Perhaps the clearest indication of …

Journal: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Punjab, and Taliban

 Could the Taliban Take Over Pakistan’s Punjab Province? By Ahmad Majidyar  |  AEI Online (June 2010) Key points in this Outlook: Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and al Qaeda have teamed up with Punjabi militant and sectarian groups to destabilize Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province. Although the militants have yet to assert the same control in southern …

23 Worst Tyrants/Dictators (Yes, there’s more than 23) and Oops, there’s Saudi Arabia..

The Worst of the Worst BY GEORGE B.N. AYITTEY | JULY/AUGUST 2010 Millions of lives have been lost, economies have collapsed, and whole states have failed under brutal repression. And what has made it worse is that the world is in denial. The end of the Cold War was also supposed to be the “End …

Event: 30 June – 1 July, New York City, ICSR Peace and Security Summit

(A report on this event has been uploaded as of July 7, 2010) The ICSR Peace and Security Summit will bring together 400 leading policymakers, diplomats, senior officials and experts from across the globe, encouraging them to share their experiences and approaches in a number of working groups and high-level panels. Held at the Waldorf …