Robert Steele: FAKE PANDEMIC It’s OVER! [President is Correct — This is the New Hoax aka False Flag.]

20200309: President Trump is going to kick some serious ass very soon. He is aware of the bio-drops and the 5G modulations. My original article in mid-February is here: Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? VIDEO (6:26): George Carlin on Germs …

Alexandra Bruce: Burisma Whistleblower Bombshell — Bidens, Clintons, Democrats Stole Almost All of the US Aid Money Given to Ukraine

Burisma Whistleblower Bombshell A high-level person currently at Burisma Holdings in Ukraine is in possession of many documents that expose how the company has been used to steal virtually all of the money coming to Ukraine from USAID and how this money was diverted, laundered and kicked back. Click title above for source.  Entire article …

Mongoose: Impeachment Could Be Expunged If GOP Wins Back the House in 2020 . . .

Republicans planning to expunge Trump impeachment if they win back the House House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may have taunted that “impeachment will last forever,” but GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, in line to be speaker if Republicans regain the majority in the November election, doesn’t agree. “This is the fastest, weakest, most political impeachment in …

Stephen E. Arnold: “Good Enough” Tech Exploded the Iowa Count, Will Explode the American Economy

Acronym Shadow: Good Enough Presages the Future of US Technical Capabilities DarkCyber believes that the misstep, if that’s what it was, was a reminder that technical expertise and excellence are not as easy as writing a proposal, pulling some influence strings, or assuming that code actually works in the real world. Nope, the good enough …