Koko: Politicians, Taxes, Lies, and Corruption

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices… 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country 545 vs. 300,000,000 People -By Charlie Reese Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then …

Review: Democracy as Problem Solving – Civic Capacity in Communities Across the Globe

Xavier N. De Souza Briggs 5 for Academics, 4 for Isolation from Corruption, June 25, 2011 I am stunned to not see a review of this book published in 2008. It certainly merits attention and inclusion in any dialog about democracy. The author caught my attention immediately in the preface, observing that US democracy “looks …

Search: map of sunni and shiite muslim groups

All within Graphics Directory Graphic: Muslim Sunni – Shi’ite Distribution (Global) Graphic: Muslim Sunni-Shi’ite MENA Graphic: Muslim Sunni – Shi’ite Percentages See Also: Graphic: Muslim (Islam) Spread Worldwide Graphic: Muslim Distribution MENA Heartland Graphic: Muslim Groups (Major) in Central Asia Graphic: Muslim Percent by Country (Global) Graphic: Muslim Population by Country Graphic: Muslims in India

Chuck Spinney: Obama’s Failure of Intelligence & Integrity

My friend Jeff Madrick, and old fashioned liberal democrat in the best sense of the term, has penned a pithy analysis of the anti-empirical madness now dominating the contemporary American political economy.  Jeff concludes that the Right ignores its track record, particularly regarding the clear economic effects of tax cuts, and is rarely challenged on …