1993 Alvin Toffler, “The Future of the Spy” in War & Anti-War

PDF (17 Pages): 1993 Toffler Chapter The Future of the Spy Alvin Toffler was stuggling with a chapter tentative focused on the future of knowledge, when TASC executives sent him a copy of the Proceedings from OSS 1992.  He read-in, interviewed Robert Steele by telephone, and this chapter was born, built around five pages sub-titled …

1993 ACCESS: The Theory and Practice of Intelligence in the Age of Information

PDF: 1993 Access Theory and Practice Original Best This document was originally funded by a small French firm based in McLean, and ultimately led to an invitation to address a national conference in the French Senate.  Two individuals in France made an impression during a trip to the 1993 information industry conference there: Henry Stiller, …

1993: God, Man, & Information – Comments to Interval In-House (Full Text Online)

“GOD, MAN, & INFORMATION: COMMENTS TO INTERVAL IN-HOUSE” Tuesday, 9 March 1993 Robert David Steele Executive Summary Electromagnetic pollution–in the form of both increased levels of uncontrolled and misunderstood levels of emission, and in the form of broader and more intense bandwidth exploitation–constitutes the technical terror of the 21st century.[1] There is another terror facing …

1993 The Intelligence Community as a New Market

As presented to the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services in Washington, D.C. EXTRACT The Intelligence Community Was Built To Do Soviet Secrets The reality is that the intelligence community, in its designs and methods, its collection and production management decisions, and its resource allocations, has been so totally structured for a single mission, …

1993 Corporate Role in National Competitiveness: Smart People + Good Tools + Information = Profit

This was written for and disseminated within OSS ’93.  It subsrequently was printed in the membership publication Society of Photo-Optical Engineers (Spring 1994). Although pioneers like Herman Daly had already outlined Ecological Economics, and Paul Hawkin and others would eventually define “true cost” metrics that prohibit the externalization of costs to the public, this piece …