Cynthia McKinney: Washington DC Occupied by Zionists

Former Georgia Rep. Says D.C. ‘Occupied by Zionists’ Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) talked with AFP’s Dave Gahary about Israel’s influence on Washington, D.C. and the pledge AIPAC expects legislators to take—something she knows all about from her 12 years in office. Read full story.

James Fetzer: Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (Free Online PDF and Individual Chapter PDFs)

This book was BANNED by Amazon. The editor, a distinguished professor (PhD) and former Marine Corps officer, has engaged a number of citizens whose intelligence and integrity is beyond challenge. A Supreme Court case centered on the 1st Amendment is likely to emerge from this book being banned by a Wisconsin judge in violation of …

Robert Steele: Something Wicked This Way Comes — Pedophilia Fake News False Flag Deep State Death Rattle

Something Wicked Comes This Way…By Election Day Censorship PURGE points to imminent false flag violence before mid-term elections… bigger than 9/11? Hats Off to State of the Nation and Mike Adams of Natural News  for two excellent summaries of how mainstream and social media fake news, the digital assassination of Alex Jones, Mike Adams and …

Robert Steele: YouTube, Facebook, Apple & Vimeo Digitally Assassinate Alex Jones and InfoWars — Attorney General Needs to Act or Resign

YouTube, Apple and Facebook remove content from InfoWars and Alex Jones False flag operations are real.  I ran one for the CIA. Obama functionaries admitted to colleagues that Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill with an anti-gun agenda. The digital assassination of Alex Jones is partly motivated by the stark fear of the Zionists in …