Richard Winger: Review of Independent Politics: How American Disdain for Parties Leads to Political Inaction

BOOK REVIEW: INDEPENDENT POLITICS Independent Politics, How American Disdain for Parties Leads to Political Inaction, by Samara Klar and Yanna Krupnikov, 2016. Cambridge U. Press, 200 pages. Ballot Access News, 1 September 2018 Re-printed in full with permission. The authors are political scientists. Klar is at the University of Arizona and is a registered Democrat. …

Robert Steele: Deep State Plan A (Impeachment), Plan B (Assassination), Plan C (Amendment 25) — A is down, C is active, B is more likely than ever before

As a case officer for the CIA I had five times the  regional recruiting and production average over the course of an extraordinary three back-to-back tours, one in a war zone. As a contractor analyst in Afghanistan in Fall 2013 I knew within 30 days of arrival that Karzai would never sign the Bilateral Security …

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Why did Americans Swallow Sandy Hook, Line and Sinker?

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Why did Americans Swallow Sandy Hook, Line and Sinker? Mr. President, Media Matters has summarized Alex Jones’ comments about Sandy Hook, with the preface, “Over the past five-and-a-half years, Jones has repeatedly pushed conspiracy theories about the tragedy, including casting doubt about whether it even happened or claiming that …

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – FBI Agent photoshopped to be “Sloppy Sniper” at Sandy Hook

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – FBI Agent photoshopped to be “Sloppy Sniper” at Sandy Hook Dear Mr. President, Among the sensational videos produced by “Barry Soetoro” about Sandy Hook was the discovery that David Wheeler, the husband of Francine Wheeler (whom Obama featured speaking on gun control from the Oval Office), …

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Barack Obama paved the way for Sandy Hook by nullifying the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Barack Obama paved the way for Sandy Hook by nullifying the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 Mr. President, Under President Obama, a law was changed under the recent Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which effectively nullified the original 1948 act. The original prohibited U.S. organizations from using state …

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook Impostors seek Social Media Giants Protection for their Criminal Acts

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook Impostors seek Social Media Giants Protection for their Criminal Acts Mr. President, In an astonishing exhibition of chutzpah, fake Sandy Hook parent imposters are seeking protection from exposure on the fantastic ground they are being subjected to harassment and bullying, which, under the circumstances, is completely …