Bin Laden Show 59: Waterboarding for Morons Part II–Senator John McCain Gets Explicit “NO–N, O”

Former Attorney General: McCain ‘simply incorrect’ on interrogations that led to key Bin Laden intel Phi Beta Iota: This individual means well and probably remembers what he was told, but CIA has a history of lying to Presidents, Attorney Generals, and Congress and we professionals know for a FACT that waterboarding does not work, it …

Bin Laden Show 57: Senators are Gullible, Journal is Dubious–the Bin Laden Show Poised to Displace All Reasonable Thinking for Next Year

Osama bin Laden pictures leave no doubt he is dead, Senator claims The pictures of Osama bin Laden are definitely him and leave no doubt the al-Qaeda leader is dead, according to a Republican Senator. Read rest of “party line” article…. Phi Beta Iota: We have mixed feelings.  There is a 20% possibility that Bin …

Bin Laden Show 07: Ron Paul Forum Doubts…Anti-Islamic “Burial,” Pakistani Helicopters Involved, Expect NATO False Flag Terrorist Events (Remember Italy)…

Reasons to doubt official Bin Laden death story (please contribute) Submitted by pseudonym on Tue, 05/03/2011 – 10:33 Daily Paul Liberty Forum Hello everyone, Some readers here have contended that those of us who doubt the official story of bin Laden’s death are not using our critical thinking skills. I maintain that the opposite is …

US Intelligence: Militarized to Lowest Common Denominator

Phi Beta Iota: Posted with permission.  We strongly recommend the Intelligence Online offerings.  We have received a number of commentaries around this topic, and they boil down to the situation being much, much worse than depicted here: 1.  Budget weenies without substantive experience running entire agencies (e.g. NRO) 2.  Nose-dive to the lowest common denominator, …