Berto Jongman: US Special Operations Command Goal — Prevent Wars, Bottom Up Community Based Resilience — Never Mind Strategic-Level Blunders, Ideology, & Predatory Policies, Drones, Dictators…1.1

Socom’s goal: Pre-empt wars Tampa is headquarters for the commandos who are gaining a bigger role in military operations around the globe. Military writer Howard Altman travels with them this month in Afghanistan. By Howard Altman | Tribune Staff Tampa Tribune,  May 19, 2013 They make small footprints at the edges of the Earth. Sometimes …

Review (Guest): Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age

Manuel Castells Book Description This book is an exploration of the new forms of social movements and protests that are erupting in the world today, from the Arab uprisings to the indignadas movement in Spain, and the Occupy Wall Street movement in the US. While these and similar social movements differ in many important ways, …

Stephen Lendman: Anatomy [History] of a [USA] False Flag

Anatomy of a False Flag By Stephen Lendman – Posted on 21 April 2013 False flags are an American tradition. They go way back. The Boston bombings appear the latest. More on that below. Notable earlier false flags or incidents approximating them include: In 1845, America lawlessly annexed Texas. It was Mexican territory. President James …

Koko: De-Extinction of Extinct Species

Diversity good. What’s De-extinction and Should Scientists be Dabbling in it? De-extinction – reviving once extinct animals using technologies like cloning and genome sequencing – is sending scientist to either corners of the debate. Some are vehemently against it, saying its natural process, while others say we have an “obligation” to do it. Stuart Pimm …