Eagle: Dilbert’s 6 Reasons Trump Wins Big…

Tip of the Hat to Tyler Durden. ‘Dilbert’ Creator’s 6 Reasons Why Trump Will “Win In A Landslide” In November Scott Adams – creator of the infamous Dilbert cartoons – believes Donald Trump will win the presidency in a landslide. Trump’s “meticulously plotted domination,” as Adams explains to The Washington Post, stems from his running …

Berto Jongman: Sorcha Faal (David Booth) on Donald Trump as Andrew Jackson Reprise, Battle to the Death with Federal Reserve, Vatican, CIA, and the Deep State

Freemasonic Forces Led By Donald Trump Launch “Soon To Be Deadly” American Coup d’état …Freemasonic forces (for the first time in 188 years) led by American billionaire Donald Trump, and aided by secretive elements within both the Sicilian and American mafia, are presently engaged in a “soon to be deadly” all-out battle against the US …