Nuclear/Climate Change: CLOSED 17 May 2011

ROLLING UPDATE from Beginning of Crisis SHORT URL: 16 May 2011 ALL:  Study: Seaports unready for climate change CANADA:  Climate change threatens arctic coastlines CHINA:  China’s Nuclear Arsenal: Status and Evolution EUROPE-SPAIN:  Spanish Quake Jolts European Nuclear Debate GERMANY-JAPAN-USA:  Nuclear Nations Turn To Natural Gas And Renewables INDIA:  Manmohan Singh takes stock of country’s …


16 May 2011 BAHRAIN:  How radical are Bahrain’s Shia? EGYPT:  Could Egypt’s revolution become mirage in the desert? IRAN-BAHRAIN:  Iranian ships carrying aid to Bahrain turned back in Persian Gulf IRAN-SYRIA:  ‘Nakba’ clashes: Iran, Syria trying to turn Arab Spring fury into attacks on Israel? ISRAEL:  The Arab Revolution is knocking at Israel’s door LEBANON-SYRIA:  …

Review: Liberty Defined–50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom

Ron Paul Six Stars for Ron Paul’s Consistent Constitution–50 one liners, May 10, 2011 I have read and reviewed earlier books by Ron Paul, such as The Revolution: A Manifesto and A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship. This book moves into a higher class (only 10% of the books I read …

Review (Guest): Liberty Defined–50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul

Ron Paul Paul’s Greatest, Most Daring Book Yet A. Maheshwari April 19, 2011 Ron Paul continues the noble tradition of founders and thinkers such as Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Burke, James Burnham and Patrick Buchanan in social-political conditions of the 21st Century. The book is written in lucid, vital and free flowing style without any convoluted …

AMERICA: Y UR PEEPS B SO DUM? Ignorance and courage in the age of Lady Gaga

Subject: AMERICA: Y UR PEEPS B SO DUM? AMERICA: Y UR PEEPS B SO DUM? Ignorance and courage in the age of Lady Gaga By Joe Bageant Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico If you hang out much with thinking people, conversation eventually turns to the serious political and cultural questions of our times. Such as: How can …

Secrecy News: P. J. Crowley & SecState Integrity?

P.J. CROWLEY AND THE LIMITS OF OPENNESS State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley resigned yesterday facing an Obama Administration backlash against his remarks declaring the treatment of suspected leaker Pfc. Bradley E. Manning “ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid.” The conditions of Private Manning’s detention became the subject of controversy when his lawyer complained that Manning was …